Top 6 Essential Digital Marketing Tips For Promoting Ayurveda online


Top 6 Essential Digital Marketing Tips for Promoting Ayurveda Online


Digital Marketing FOr Ayurveda ONline

आयुर्वेद स्वास्थ्य संबंधी online Demand , Post COVID-19,के पश्चात ज़्यादा बढ़ोतरी हुई है ।इसमें मौजूदा आयुर्वेदिक हॉस्पिटल, कंसल्टिंग सर्विसेज ऑनलाइन सर्विसेज को Lead Generation की आवश्यकता ज़्यादा की जागरूकता पैदा हुई है।
Digital Marketing एक महत्वपूर्ण अभिन्न अंग बन चुका है,For Promotion & Sustainability Of Ayurveda Services.
आज के प्रतिस्पर्धा युग में आयुर्वेदिक सेवाओं का महत्व नमक की तरह, Digital Marketing इसे एक Presence के रूप में निखारती है।
Digital Marketing strategy से विश्व में आयुर्वेद के मौलिक सिद्धांत व चिकित्सा पद्धति का ज्ञान बारंबार दोहराया जाता है ।
आज के Fast Paced World में प्रत्येक व्यक्ति एक
Alternative , Holistic Solutions की चाह रखता है। आयुर्वेद दिनचर्या,ऋतुचर्या और सात्विक आहार सेवन आदि से रोग से दूर रहे रोगोपचार से स्वस्थ बने रहे ।
स्वस्थ माने शरीर , मन , इंद्रिय व आत्मा का प्रसन्न होना।
Digital Marketing का प्रयोजन
आयुर्वेद की ख्याति और बढ़े।
आयुर्वेद को ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा समूह तक फैलाये ।
आयुर्वेद के सेवा देश विदेश झुड़े ।
यह सब कैसे होता है ?
१)Building A Strong Presence
अ)Website Development
A Userfriendly website
Showing Services, Products
Customers Testimonials
Educational Resources
Are Empowering techniques To Attract & Retain Prospects.
Website should be optimised for search engines ( SEO) to increase Visibility
ब )Content Marketing
Valuable Contents For
Ayurveda Priciples
Lifestyle Rituals
Daily Routine
Mindful Diet
Self Talk
Wellness Tips
To Do’s List
२)Social Media Engagement:
You Tube
Are platforms Excellent Channels for promoting Ayurveda Online.
Visual Content:
Sharing Visuals
About Ayurveda Practices
Wellness Tips
Creates immediate engagement
Live Sessions And Q&A help engage the audience in real-time, building a community.
Sharing success stories of client
Resonate with potential prospects
Influencing their decision-making
Influencer collaboration
Partnering with influencers in wellness fields, can expose Ayurvedic Services to a Larger Audience and build strong credibility
Email Marketing:
३)Email Marketing :
An aggressive Email Marketing policy establishes connections with current and potential prospects.
“Newsletters” Regular newsletters provide Tips For Seasonal Wellness ( rutucharya), upcoming events, New services, and exclusive offers to keep the Brand in the minds of Prospects.
“Personalisation “ Tailoring content based on the behavior of prospects, sending by email.
४)” Educational boot camps, workshops, live streams or webinars”
This builds relationships or grows community and gives more value to prospects.on the
topics covered are,
Benefits of Dincharya
Time Management Techniques
Stress Relievers methods and apps
Live Activities Or Demonstration
Natural way to boost immunity
५)Weekly Inner Circle Meeting
Giving Values To Community
Direct Interactions About Overall Progress
Recharging and boosting immunity
Live videos of successful members
Monitoring Progress at physical and mental levels
६)Online Consulting
The growing telemedicine trend is giving online Ayurveda consultations or services.
E-commerce Ayurveda services or digital products
In This way Develop an ecosystem for Ayurveda Online.
Work As per the ecosystem regularly put Feul (content visuals, posts, shorts, stories, and reels) on all social media for the targeted audience. Engage with leads received.
Build own funnel


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